Episode 4 - Embracing God's Presence in Times of Struggle: Paul Tripp's Journey

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Paul Tripp’s ministry has deeply impacted me, and I'm excited that he’s joining me to share his story of how suffering has strengthened his relationship with God. After his kidney failure (and the next 7 years of unrelenting pain), Paul realized that much of his confidence had been in his own productivity rather than resting completely on Jesus.  I so appreciate his wisdom as we talk about our framework for suffering, and how understanding God's presence, purpose and the promise of heaven offers hope in the face of unimaginable pain.

Paul highlights the importance of what we tell ourselves during times of suffering. He explains that our view of life, ourselves, and God shape the way we experience and respond to suffering often more than our circumstances.” We discuss trusting God even when we cannot comprehend His plan and how His presence is the ultimate gift. 

In this episode, we touch on the importance of having loving, godly friends who can speak hope into our hearts during dark times. Paul emphasizes the need for grace and reassures listeners that God welcomes them into His presence, even in their doubt and struggle. We delve into the two kinds of questions we can bring to God - those of wonderment and those of accusation - and how each can deepen our relationship with Him. This honest and hope-filled episode is an essential listen for anyone seeking encouragement and strength amidst life's storms.


(00:10) - Suffering and the Gospel of Grace

(17:12) - Finding Hope in Suffering

(35:32) - Trusting God in Times of Suffering

(54:19) - Finding Hope Through Vulnerability

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Dr. Paul David Tripp is a pastor, international event speaker, and a best-selling and award-winning author. With more than 30 books and video series on Christian living, Paul’s driving passion is to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.

Throughout his life, Paul has planted a church, founded a Christian school, wrote worship songs and toured with a Christian band. He was a faculty member at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) for many years, a lecturer in Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary, a Visiting Professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a pastor at Tenth Presbyterian Church.

Paul launched his own ministry in 2006. He lives in Philadelphia and is hopelessly in love with his wife of more than 50 years, Luella. They have four grown children and six grandchildren.


Paul Tripp Ministries

The Paul Tripp Podcast

Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense





  1. To learn more, visit: https://www.vaneetha.com


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Episode 5 - Unearthing the Beauty in Adversity: Dave & Gloria Furman’s story 


Episode 3 - Navigating Grief and Finding Purpose with Davey Blackburn